Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Okay, so it's...11:34 p.m. (which didn't used to be late, but now that I'm 29 going on 89 it seems really late, and I'm really tired!)

Something unexplainable and unacceptable happened to our itunes account! Half of our music disappeared! I don't know what happened. Dan says it's my fault, but I don't think it is!

One day our music was there, then the next, half of it is missing!

I located the elusive music, but now I am currently having to go through and find each individual song and re-save it in the correct place.


At the bottom of our itunes page it says that we have, like 14 days worth of music. I'm pretty sure it's going to take me that long to re-find all of these stinkin' files and save them in the right place!

I am almost positive that there is a better and more effective way to do this. If you know what it is, keep it to yourself thank-you-very-much. Because by the time you tell me it will be too late. I will be done.

Never-the-less, I am sure there is a better way to do this, I just don't know it.

So for right now, I'm sitting here, blinking to attempt to clear my bleary eyes, half listening to some asinine news magazine show (cause I can't find the remote, and am too annoyed to look for it very hard), and waiting for my dinosaur of a computer to find these crazy music files.

**Grrr** Curse you ipod/itunes (whatever) for making us all so dependent upon you for our musical needs! Curse you!

P.S. I know where all of my CD's (which contain much of the same music that is on my ipod) are. They don't mysteriously move themselves to a new location and force me to locate them all individually. Neither do my even more archaic cassette tapes.... **grrr** again...

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