Sunday, February 8, 2009


Okay, so the other day Dan and I were craving ice cream.

So, of course, I sent Dan out to get some. Apparently, he decided that it would be better (not cheaper, but better) to get our ice cream from a convenience store rather than our local neighborhood grocery store. Whatever...

So he comes home with two of those ice cream cone things with the chocolate and nuts on top (if you don't know what I mean, see the picture below.)Which is fine. I am a big fan of those ice cream cones. However...when I opened mine up I immediately wrinkled my nose.

"Honey, does this smell funny to you?" I asked.
Dan sniffed his. "Yeah, it kind of does, but I can't tell what it smells like though..."
I sniffed mine again, and decided that it was mostly the cone that smelled so wrong.
"It smells!" I finally decided. "Eww."

We decided to name them "Tomacco-cicles" after The Simpsons episode where the family moves to the country to become farmers and Homer accidentally creates a tomato-tobacco hybrid plant that he calls "Tomacco" when he plants a little bit of everything and fertilizes it with plutonium. (Remember? Ralph says "Eww, Daddy, this tastes like Grandma!")

I do not know WHY these particular ice cream cones smelled like cigarettes, nor do I necessarily WANT to know. I do know, however, that the totally unappealing smell of these particular cones did not stop my husband from popping the top off, throwing the cone away, and eating the ice cream (from both cones; I didn't want mine for some reason...). Nor did it stop him from returning to that same store again on another day to purchase...the same product.

Hmmm...I guess "Tomacco-cicles" are as addictive in real life as their name sake was on The Simpsons...
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